17.05.2012 состоялась церемония награждения победителей и участников конкурса видео проектов "Добро пожаловать в Украину", который проводился представительством международной образовательной группы Pearson Education в 2011 - 2012 учебном году. В конкурсе приняло участие 174 участника с 47 видео проектами. Номинантами конкурса стали 10 проектов из Львова, Киева, Харькова и Одессы. К сожалению, наши 4 работы учеников 10-А класса не были среди номинантов, но все 12 учеников получили сертификаты участников конкурса.
An award ceremony of the winners and the participants of the competition of video projects "Welcome to Ukraine" took place on May 17, 2012. The competition was held by the representative of the International Educational Group "Pearson Education".
One hundred and seventy-four participants with 47 video projects took part in the competition; ten video projects from Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa became the nominees of the competition.
Unfortunately, four our video projects of students of Form 10A were not among the nominees, but all twelve students received the certificates of the participants.
One hundred and seventy-four participants with 47 video projects took part in the competition; ten video projects from Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa became the nominees of the competition.
Unfortunately, four our video projects of students of Form 10A were not among the nominees, but all twelve students received the certificates of the participants.
Maybe next time ...