воскресенье, 15 марта 2020 г.

Tasks for My Students of Form 3V

For My Students of Form 3V!

Your work during the quarantine:
13.03. - 20.03.
1) Class Book – exercises 1-4, page 96. Listen, translate and learn the words of exercise 1. Copy the words of exercise 1 in your notebook. Exercise 3 – listen, read and translate the text (See - Listening CD3). Write the answers of exercise 4 in your book and then send the answers to me. (See the Form below.)
In the Form there will be some exercises (pages 96-99) which you should send to me, so do all these exercises in your book first and then send the answers to me.

2) Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 97
Exercises 1 – Listen and do the task. Send the answers to me.
Exercise 2 – Speaking (orally). Watch Skills Time! 12. (See Video Clips)
Writing preparation: Read the rule and do exercise 3 in your book and send me the answers.
and – и (+ and +),   but – но/але (+ but – )
Exercise 3 – write in your book and send the answers to me.

3) Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 98.
Exercise 1 – Listen and learn by heart.
Exercise 2 – Listen and complete the sentences in your book. (See Listening CD 3) Then send the answers to me.
Exercise 3 – do orally.
4) Class Book – page 99 (do orally)

The Form for answers is here

5) Workbook - page 90. Please, do the exercises in your workbook then send me the answers. 

6) Workbook - pages 91. Do the exercises in your workbook and send me the answers of exercises 1 and 2. Write a about the people and send me your story.

7) Workbook – page 92. Do the exercises 1-2 in your book and send me the answers.

8) Workbook – page 93. Watch the video Fluency Time! 4 (See Fluency Time! 4 or Video Clips), do the tasks and send me your answers. 

9)  During the whole quarantine do exercises from Student MultiROM.

Please, start sending me your work.

21.03. - 29.03.     
Spring Holidays

30.03. - 03.04.

                        ... to be continued

30.03. - 05.04.

This week we’ll use Google classroom.
You should do the exercises in your Class Book and your Workbook, take a photo of the pages with your answers and send them to me. Write your name and surname at the top (or at the bottom) of each page!  

1) Class Book – exercises 1-6, pages 100-101.
2) Workbook – pages 94-95. Do exercises 1-5 and “My work”.

3)  Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 102. Listen, read and translate the text (exercise 2) (See Listening CD 3).  Write exercises 1, 3.
4)  Class Book – exercises 4-7, page 103. Listen, read and translate the text (exercise 5). (See Listening CD 3). Write exercises 4, 6, 7. 
 5) Class Book – exercises 1-2, page 104. Listen, translate and learn the words of exercise 1. Copy the words of exercise 1 in your notebook (each word – 2 lines). 
Exercise 2 – listen, read and translate the text (See - Listening CD3). Watch the video (See Student MultiROM or Video Clips)
6) Class Book – exercise 1-4, page 105. Learn the rule (Past simple with regular verbs – V1 +  -ed (affirmative); didn’t + V1 (negative). Do exercises 3 and 4 in your book and send me the photo of the page. Write your name and surname at the top of the page!

7) Workbook – pages 96-97.
8) Workbook – page 132 (Unit 13 Past simple with regular verbs). Complete the rule and do exercise 1.

9) Learn/revise the text “Petra” (Class Book, page 90).

10)  During the whole quarantine do exercises from Student MultiROM.
11) Play games at Family and Friends Learning Resources (ресурси для навчання) 

Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.

06.04. - 12.04.

This week we’ll continue using Google classroom.

1) Revise units 10-12. Do Test Skills and Progress Test 4 (units 10-12) (in the forms in Google classroom)

2) Choose one of Audible Stories. Listen and enjoy!

3) Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 106 and exercise 1-5, page 107. (See Listening CD 3). Do the exercises in your book. Write exercise 2, page 106 (four sentences – two affirmative and two negative) and exercises 1 and 5, page 107 in your notebook.
4) Workbook – pages 98-99. Do the exercises.

5)  Class Book – exercises 1-4, page 108 and exercises 1-3, page 109. Listen, read and translate the words (exercise 1, page 108) and the text (exercise 2, page 108) (See Listening CD 3). Do the exercises in your book. Copy the words of exercise 1, page 108 in your notebook.
6) Workbook – pages 100-101. Do the exercises. Learn the text of exercise 1, page 101 (The Ancient Egyptians) by heart.

7) Learn/revise the text “Petra” (Class Book, page 90).
8)  During the whole quarantine do exercises from Student MultiROM.
9) Play games at Family and Friends Learning Resources (ресурси для навчання)

Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.

13.04. - 19.04
This week we’ll continue using Google classroom

and start doing exercises on Family and Friends second edition online practice resource

1) Revise Unit 13. Do exercises (unit 13) from Family and Friends second edition online practice. Do Test 13 in the Form. (The Form is in the Google classroom or on the blog.)

2) Class Book – exercises 1-2, page 110 and exercise 1-4, page 111. Listen, translate and learn the words of exercise 1, page 110.  Copy the words of exercise 1 in your notebook (each word – 2 lines).
Exercise 2, page 110 – listen, read and translate the text (See - Listening CD3). Watch the video (See Student MultiROM or Video Clips)
Exercise 1-4, page 111. Learn the rule (Questions with Past Simple – Did + subject + V1 …? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
What/Where/When + subject + V1 …?
3) Workbook – pages 102-103; exercise 2, page 133 (unit 14). Complete the rules and do the exercises.

4) Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 112 and exercise 1-4, page 113. (See Listening CD 3). Do the exercises in your book. Write exercise 2, page 112 and exercises 1 and 4, page 113 in your notebook.

Complete the Form (pages 111-112). 

5) Workbook – pages 104-105. Do the exercises.

6) Learn 10 Easter words and listen to Easter songs

20.04. - 26.04

This week we’ll continue using Google classroom and

 Family and Friends second edition online practice resource

1)  Class Book – exercises 1-4, page 114 and exercises 1-3, page 115. Listen, read and translate the words (exercise 1, page 114) and the text (exercise 2, page 114) (See Listening CD 3). Do the exercises in your book. Copy the words of exercise 1, page 114 in your notebook.

2) Workbook – pages 106-107. Do the exercises.
Do exercises from Student MultiROM (Unit 14) and from Family and Friends second edition online practice (Unit 14).

3) Revise Unit 14. Do Test (Unit 14).

4)  Class Book – exercises 1-2, page 116 and exercises 1-4, page 117. Listen, read and translate the words (exercise 1, page 116) and the text (exercise 2, page 116) (See Listening CD 3). Do the exercises in your book. Copy the words of exercise 1, page 116 in your notebook.

5) Workbook, exercises 1-2, page 108 and exercises 1-2, page 109. Do the exercises.

6) Learn/revise the text “Petra” (Class Book, page 90) and “The Ancient Egyptians”, page 101 (WB); do exercises from Student MultiROM; play games at Family and Friends Learning Resources; listen to Audible Stories; do exercises from Family and Friends second edition online practice.
Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.     

27.04. - 03.05.

This week we’ll continue using Google classroom and

 Family and Friends second edition online practice and Viber.

1)  Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 118 and exercises 1-5, page 119.  (See Listening CD 3). Do the exercises in your book. Do exercise 2, page 118 and exercise 1 and exercise 1, page 119 in your notebook.
2) Workbook – exercises 1-3, page 110 and exercises 1-3, page 111.
Unit 15, page 134 – complete the rules and do exercises 1, 2, page 134.

3) Class Book – exercises 1-4, page 120 and exercises 1-3, page 121.  (See Listening CD 3). Do the exercises in your book. Do exercise 1, page 120 in your notebook.
4) Workbook – exercises 1-3, page 112 and exercises 1-3, page 113.  
5) Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 122 and exercises 1-4, page 123.  (See Listening CD 3). Learn the dialogue exercise 1, page 122. Do the exercises in your book. 

6) Workbook – exercises 1-2, page 114 and exercises 1-3, page 115. Watch the video (Fluency Time! 5). Do the exercises.

7) During the week send me the video of your retelling the texts “Petra” (Class Book, page 90) andThe Ancient Egyptians”, page 101 (WB).

Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.

04.05. - 10.05.

This week we’ll continue using Google classroom and

 Family and Friends second edition online practice and Viber.

1) Class Book – exercises 1-6, page 124-125.  Do the exercises in your book.
2) Workbook – exercises 1-4, page 116-117.  

3) Summative Test in Reading (Semester 2).
4) Class Book – exercises 1-3, page 126.

5) Summative Test in Listening (Semester 2).

6) Summative Test in Writing (Semester 2).

Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.

11.05. - 17.05.

This week we’ll continue using Google classroom and

 Family and Friends second edition online practice and Viber.

1) Class Book – exercises 4-5, page 127.  Do the exercises in your book.
2) Send me 1 minute audio of your reading (Text, page 120) and your video of the dialogues, pages 98 and 122.


3) Revise Unit 15. Do exercises from Family and Friends second edition online practice (Unit 15) and Student MultiROM. Do Test (Unit 15).

Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.

18.05. - 24.05.

This week we’ll continue using Google classroom and

 Family and Friends second edition online practice and Viber.   

1) Class Book – exercises 4-5, page 128-129.  Do the exercises in your book.

2) Summative Test in Speaking – Topics:
1. Tigers (CB, page 55);
2. My Favourite Dish (CB, page 79);
3. The Gingerbread Man (CB, page 84);
4. Petra (CB, page 90);
5. The Ancient Egyptians (WB, page 101).

3) Class Book – exercises 1-4, page 130-131.  Do the exercises in your book. Do exercises from Family and Friends second edition online practice (Culture – The United Kingdom)
4) Workbook – exercises 1-3, page 118
5) Class Book – exercises 1-4, page 132-133.  Do the exercises in your book. Do exercises from Family and Friends second edition online practice (Culture – Sport Events)
6) Workbook – exercises 1-3, page 119
Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.

25.05. - 29.05.

This week we’ll continue using Google classroom and

 Family and Friends second edition online practice and Viber.

1) Class Book – exercises 1-4, page 134-135.  Do the exercises in your book. Do exercises from Family and Friends second edition online practice (Culture – Clothes)
2) Workbook – exercises 1-2, page 120
3) Revision. Do exercises from Family and Friends second edition online practice (Units 1-3)
4) Workbook – pages 121-123 (Fluency Time!)
5) Revision. Do exercises from Family and Friends second edition online practice (Units 4-7)
Your work will be checked and commented in the Google Classroom.
Goodbye, school! Welcome, summer!

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